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A passion for science - and fighting malaria

In an interview with HSPH News, PhD candidate Perrine Marcenac discusses her research on mosquito biology and the interplay between reproduction and immunity in Anopheles gambiae, the primary vector for malaria transmission in sub-Saharan Africa.
Perrine MArcenac

World Malaria Day 2014

On April 25, Harvard commemorated World Malaria Day 2014 with two fun, student-led activities - a 5K community walk and an international flash mob to raise awareness about malaria.

Mob Malaria: Making Malaria Awareness Fun

On World Malaria Day (April 25), two freshmen students at Harvard will lead a multinational flash mob for Malaria. Mob Malaria will be simultaneously held in Zimbabwe, China, and the U.S.
Mob Malaria Harvard 2014

Webcast - Global Health Summit 2013

On November 25, the Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School and Harvard School of Public Health convened the Global Health Summit, highlighting their collaborations and achievements in the field.
Global Health Summit 2013

Undergraduate Colloquium Alumnus named Marshall Scholar

Harvard senior and alumnus of the 2013 Defeating Malaria Undergraduate Colloquium, Brandon Liu has won a prestigious Marshall Scholarship, which will allow him to study for two years at a university of his choice in the UK.
Brandon Liu

Making Malaria the "First Disease Beaten by Mobile"

As part of an innovative $10K student competition to increase campus-wide awareness and discussion about the problem of global malaria, the Mobilizing for Global Health Seminar Series will inspire students to take purposeful action to fight malaria.
Mobilizing for Global Health

The Forum at HSPH - Watch video

As part of the Andelot Series on Current Science Controversies, The Forum at the Harvard School of Public Health featured an interactive discussion with panelists on May 1, 2013 titled, "Thwarting Killer Mosquitos: The State-of-the-Art Fight Against…