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“Climate Shifts, Malaria Risks: Innovating Vector Control for Ethical & Sustainable Impact”
If you’re passionate about climate change, environmental sustainability, and global health, join the conversation and learn how we can adapt malaria control strategies to a changing environment and highlight the need for sustainable solutions. As part of Worldwide Week at Harvard, the Harvard Global Health Institute and Harvard’s Defeating Malaria Initiative will host a short presentation and Q&A on this topic on October 9, 2024 at 4PM. RSVP at: defeatingmalaria@harvard.edu
Harvard has both a responsibility and an opportunity to make great advances in the field of malaria
Harvard is a global university, dedicated to creating new knowledge and educating leaders. Across the University, Harvard faculty, students, and collaborators are working to advance biomedical research and innovation, and improve our understanding of the global impact of malaria through Harvard’s Defeating Malaria From the Genes to the Globe Initiative.
Free Online Course from Harvard University: MalariaX
“MalariaX: Defeating Malaria from the Genes to the Globe” explores cutting-edge science and technology and examines policies needed to control and eliminate malaria. Faculty instructors guide learners to analyze real-world data, demonstrating effective applications with a focus on the development and implementation of evidence-based intervention strategies for national and local malaria eradication efforts. Enroll today for free access to newly ‘refreshed’ (November 2021) content, including English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish transcripts!
News & Events
Pre-Read: Malaria in China

WHO Solicits Input

The Future of Medicine